My Tickets, Requests, and Approvals in ServiceNow

You can use the CUIMC IT website's Get Help ServiceNow portal to see details on your tickets, requests, and approvals.  For delegating please see Add or Remove a Delegate in ServiceNow.

  1. Go to
    You can also select Get Help in the main menu bar from any page of the CUIMC IT website.
  2. Select the Login link in the upper right (if you are not logged in already), then enter your UNI account and password.
  3. Select My Tickets under Quicklinks in the upper right.

  4. Use links above the list to view a desired category.  Note that they are filtered by buttons at the top of the list, such as Open or Closed.  You can view your:
    • Reported Incidents, which are tickets created when you have contacted CUIMC IT or your Certified IT Group for assistance.
    • Requested Items and Telecom Requests - IT related services that you have requested via an online form in our Service Catalog.
      TIP:  The catalog can be reached anytime by navigating to Get Help - Request Something
    • Approvals - requested items where you are listed as the approver. TIP: You can also add or remove a delegate for approvals if desired by following these steps.
  5. Note that you can click on any column heading to sort by that heading; clicking again will reverse the sort.  The image above shows Approved items sorted by their Created time, indicated by the down arrow. To view more information on any specific item, click on it in the list.
    • Incidents and Requests have a field at the top where you can add notes and click Send to update the ticket.
      IMPORTANT: Please do NOT add notes to a closed ticket, if you do so your IT staff will NOT be notified.
    • Approval items that are Pending will show a button for you to Approve or Reject.  Simply click the button to process as needed.
    Approve and Reject buttons on a pending approval item
  6. When done viewing an item, click the back button on your browser to return to the list you were viewing.