Remove Mercury Wireless Network on Android

Computers and devices often "cache" or save information on wifi networks you've used, including your login. This can cause problems if the information is no longer accurate (i.e. your UNI password changes) or any settings become corrupted.

Removing the wireless network information and setting it up again often resolves issues with connecting to Mercury secure wireless at CUIMC.

Instructions may differ due to the variety of hardware and Android versions used. Please check your device manufacturer's website or user manual for help on uninstalling an app or removing a saved wi-fi network if needed.

  1. Uninstall ClearPass QuickConnect from your Android phone or tablet: long-tap on the ClearPass icon in your list of apps to see an Uninstall option, or go to Settings - Apps and select it from the list, then Uninstall.
  2. In Settings under Wi-Fi, make sure mercury is not listed under your Saved Networks.
    If it is, remove it: tap on an (i), details or other link by mercury to see the remove network or forget option.
  3. Restart the device before trying Set Up Mercury on Android again.