Why did my Pharos print job stop without printing all of the pages?

Large files take more time to process through the printing system and may cause a printer to miss part of the job. Common examples are PDFs (Adobe Acrobat), PowerPoint, or files with a lot of images and/or heavy formatting. The actual file size and not just the number of pages should be considered.

To avoid this please break your print job into smaller increments when sending, we've included instructions below.

For recurring problems with a PDF file see Adobe's Print PDF as image instructions.


After selecting File - Print and the desired Pharos queue, look for the Pages to Print (or Page Range) section and type in a smaller range of pages. Click the Print button to send the job and repeat for the next section of pages you would like to print.

Windows Print Pages option


After selecting File - Print and the desired Pharos queue, change the Pages option to From and type in the desired range of pages.
If you don't see a Pages option, look for and select links to More Settings and Print using the system dialog... to see a view that includes Pages.
Click the Print button to send the job and repeat for the next section of pages you would like to print.

Macintosh Print Pages option