Remove a Wireless Network on Windows

Computers and devices often "cache" or save information on wifi networks you've used, including your login. This can cause problems if the information is no longer accurate (i.e. your UNI password changes) or if it becomes corrupted.

Removing the wireless network information often resolves issues with connecting to Mercury secure wireless at CUIMC. Keep in mind that removing the network may require that you set it up again before being able to connect.

Windows 10 and 8.1

  1. Select the wireless icon in the lower right corner of the screen.
    Windows 10 Wifi Icon
  2. If you see the name of the network you'd like to remove, right-click on it (on a Windows tablet, tap and hold the name of the network).
    If not, skip to additional steps below.
  3. Select Forget this network from the menu that appears.
    Forget this network option
  4. Restart the computer before trying to connect to (or reinstall) secure wireless.

Windows 10 and 8.1 - Additional steps

If the name of the network you want to remove doesn't appear in the computer's current wireless list:

  1. From the current wireless list, select:
    • Windows 10 - Network Settings or
      Windows 10 Network Settings link
    • Windows 8 - View Connection Settings
      Windows 8 View Connection Settings link
  2. In the Network... window that appears, select the Manage Wi-fi settings or Manage known networks link on the right. You may need to scroll down in the window to find it.
    Windows 10 Network Settings
  3. Under the Manage Known Networks list (you may need to scroll down to find it), click the name of the network you'd like to remove, then click the Forget button that appears.
    Forget button in Windows 10
  4. The network will be removed from the list. Close the wireless settings window.
  5. Restart the computer before trying to connect to (or reinstall) secure wireless.