iPhone and iPad OS Versions and Updates

iPhones and iPads use an operating system (OS) called iOS.  Use these steps to check the iOS version and check for any updates.

Check Your iOS Version

  1. Select Settings
  2. Select General
  3. Select About
  4. Look for the number next to Version.

If these steps do not work on your iPhone or iPad please see Apple's website:  https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201685.  

Check for and Install iOS Updates

Note that newly released operating systems may not be fully compatible with CU and CUIMC resources.  Please avoid updating immediately after a major release (i.e. from iOS 13 to 14) unless there is a security risk; if possible check with your Certified IT Group, department or school to verify that any needed work or academic apps have been tested for compatibility.

  1. Before updating any operating system be sure to run a backup.  This prevents permanent loss of files, data etc. if the update causes issues on the device.  See steps on Apple's website at https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT203977.
    IMPORTANT:  Do not backup PHI to iCloud (or any vendor that does not have the required agreement with CUIMC).  Keep in mind any email attachments, downloads etc. that may contain sensitive data.
  2. Plug in the device to power to avoid an interruption caused by a drained battery.
  3. Follow update steps on Apple's website:  https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204204.